Thema: Reserve Dns
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1216 phenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehenphenom genießt hohes Ansehen

Nein, sendmail

Hier noch die smtp.lib.php ( includieren in die bt )


* Allows users to send email without e-mailserver on the localmachine
* @package SMTP
* @author Fredrik Haugbergsmyr <>

require_once 'net.const.php';

* @version
* @access public
* @todo split messages, attachments
class smtp

    * lagnut-smtp version, send in the headers
    * @var String 
    * @access private
    var $_version = '';

    * Turn debugon / off
    * @var bool
    * @access private
    var $_debug = false;

    * Serverconnection resource
    * @var resource
    * @access private
    var $_connection = null;

    * E-mailheaders
    * @var array headers
    * @access private
    var $_hdrs = array();

    * E-mailbody
    * @var String 
    * @access private
    var $_body = '';

    * Default Content type
    * @var String 
    * @access private
    var $_mime = 'text/plain';

    * Default Charset
    * @var String 
    * @access private
    var $_charset = 'UTF-8';

    * Class contruction, sets client headers
    * @access public
    function smtp()
        $this->_add_hdr('X-Mailer', sprintf('LAGNUT-SMTP/%s', $this->_version));
        $this->_add_hdr('User-Agent', sprintf('LAGNUT-SMTP/%s', $this->_version));
        $this->_add_hdr('MIME-Version', '1.0');

    * Turn debugging on/off
    * @access public
    * @param bool $debug command
    function debug($debug)
        $this->_debug = (bool)$debug;

    * Clean input to prevent injection
    * @param String  $input User data
    function _clean(&$input)
        if (!is_string($input)) {
            return false;
        $input = urldecode($input);
        $input = str_replace("\n", '', str_replace("\r", '', $input));

    * Send command to server
    * @access private
    * @param String  $cmdcommand
    * @param optional $data data
    function _cmd($cmd, $data = false)

        if ($this->_is_closed()) {
            return false;

        if (!$data) {
            $command = sprintf("%s\r\n", $cmd);
        }else {
            $command = sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", $cmd,$data);

        fwrite($this->_connection, $command);
        $resp = $this->_read();
        if ($this->_debug){
        if ($this->_is_closed($resp)) {
            return false;
        return $resp;

    * Collects header
    * @access private
    * @param string$key
    * @param String  $data
    function _add_hdr($key, $data)
        $this->_hdrs[$key] = sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", $key, $data);

    * Read server output
    * @access private
    * @return String 
    function _read()
        if ($this->_is_closed()) {
            return false;
        $o = '';
        do {
            $str = @fgets($this->_connection, 515);
            if (!$str) {
            $o .= $str;
            if (substr($str, 3, 1) == ' ') {
        } while (true);
        return $o;

    * Checks if server denies more commands
    * @access private
    * @param $int
    * @return bool true if connection is closed
    function _is_closed($response = false)
        if (!$this->_connection) {
            return true;
        if (isset($response{0}) && ($response{0} == 4|| $response{0}== 5)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    * Open connection to server
    * @access public
    * @param String  $server SMTP server
    * @param int $port Server port
    function open($server, $port = 25)
        $this->_connection = fsockopen($server, $port, $e, $er, 8);

        if ($this->_is_closed()) {
            return false;

        $init= $this->_read();
        if ($this->_debug){

        if ($this->_is_closed($init)) {
            return false;
        $lhost = (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : '');

        if (strpos($init,'ESMTP') === false){
            $this->_cmd('HELO '. gethostbyaddr($lhost));
        } else {
            $this->_cmd('EHLO '. gethostbyaddr($lhost));

    * Start TLS communication
    * @access public
    function start_tls()
        if (!function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto')) {
            trigger_error('TLS is not supported', E_USER_ERROR);
            return false;
        stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->_connection, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT);

    * Performs SMTP authentication
    * @access public
    * @param String  $username username
    * @param String  $password password
    * @param int authentication mecanism
    function auth($username, $password, $type = LOGIN)
        include_once 'sasl.lib.php';
        $sasl =& new sasl($sasl, $username, $password);
        switch ($type) {
            case PLAIN:
                $this->_cmd('AUTH PLAIN');
                $this->_cmd($sasl->plain($username, $password));
            case LOGIN:
                $this->_cmd('AUTH LOGIN');
            case CRAM_MD5:
                $resp = explode(' ', $this->_cmd('AUTH CRAM-MD5'));
                $this->_cmd($sasl->cram_md5($username, $password, trim($resp[1])));

    * Closes connection to the server
    * @access public
    function close()
        if ($this->_is_closed()) {
            return false;

        $this->_connection = null;

    * E-mail sender
    * @access public
    * @param String  $from Sender
    function from($email, $name = '')
        $from = !empty($name) ? sprintf('%s <%s>', $name, $email) : $email;
        $this->_cmd('MAIL FROM', sprintf('<%s>', $email));
        $this->_add_hdr('FROM', $from);
        $this->_add_hdr('Return-path', $email);

    * Send reply-to header
    * @param String  $to
    function reply_to($email, $name = '')
        $to = !empty($name) ? sprintf('%s <%s>', $name, $email) : $email;
        $this->_add_hdr('REPLY-TO', $to);

    * E-mail reciever
    * @access public
    * @param String  $to Reciever
    function to($email, $name = '')
        $to = !empty($name) ? sprintf('%s <%s>', $name, $email) : $email;
        $this->_cmd('RCPT TO', sprintf('<%s>', $email));
        $this->_add_hdr('TO', $to);

    * MIME type
    * @access public
    * @param String  $mime MIME type
    function mime_charset($mime,$charset)
        $this->_charset = $charset;
        $this->_mime = $mime;
        $this->_add_hdr('Content-type', sprintf('%s; charset=%s', $mime, $charset));

    * E-mail subject
    * @access public
    * @param String  $subject subject
    function subject($subject)
        $this->_add_hdr('SUBJECT', $this->encode_hdrs($subject));

    * E-mail body
    * @access public
    * @param String  $body body
    function body($body)
        $body = preg_replace("/([\n|\r])\.([\n|\r])/", "$1..$2", $body);
        $this->_body = sprintf("\r\n%s", $body);

    * Send the mail
    * @access public
    function send()
        $resp = $this->_cmd('DATA');
        if ($this->_is_closed($resp)) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->_hdrs as $header) {
            fwrite($this->_connection, $header);
            if ($this->_debug) {
        fwrite($this->_connection, "\r\n.\r\n");
        $resp = trim($this->_read());
        if ($this->_debug){
            printf("%s\r\n", $this->_body);
            printf('%s', $resp);
        if ((int)$resp{0} != 2) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    * encode headers
    * @access private
    * @param String  $input
    * @return String 
    function encode_hdrs($input)
        $replacement = preg_replace('/([\x80-\xFF])/e', '"=" . strtoupper(dechex(ord("\1")))', $input);
        $input = str_replace($input, sprintf('=?%s?Q?%s?=', $this->_charset, $replacement), $input);
        return $input;

und die net.const.php


$mechs = array('LOGIN', 'PLAIN', 'CRAM_MD5');

foreach ($mechs as $mech) {
    if (!defined($mech)) {
        define($mech, $mech);
    } elseif (constant($mech) != $mech) {
        trigger_error(sprintf("Constant %s already defined, can't proceed", $mech), E_USER_ERROR);

beide dateien in den include ordner

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